Minimalism: Accomplishing Goals

Minimalism and accomplishing goals

Many minimalists boast of many perks they experience after purging unnecessary things from their lives: a wealth of time, more peace of mind, clarity in decision making, and a cornucopia of other riches.  In my case, I have certainly noticed all of these new blessings, but I am especially excited about a heightened sense of something else:  my ability to accomplish goals.

Minimalism has enabled me to accomplish goals because:

1.  I have fewer chores and more time for creativity.  Instead of spending hours cleaning and maintaining my piles of junk, I have more time to spend reading, writing, researching, and enjoying hobbies that inspire me.

2.  My brain can focus more on what I AM DOING IN THE MOMENT instead of all the little things that need to be done.  One of the hardest parts of sitting down and writing, especially at home, is honing in on the one task in front of me without suddenly remembering tasks I need to do later.  Before I know it, I have ten new Internet tabs open, a scrub brush in one hand and a baby crying in the other.  When I prioritize minimalism in my schedule and commitments, everything has a time and a place.

3.  I’m spending less money on STUFF I DON’T NEED and directing that income someplace more meaningful.  This is one of my bigger picture, more long-term ideas that is harder to see at the beginning, but truly feels rewarding later.  When I spend less money on daily shopping trips, buying disposable things that don’t bring me joy, I save my money and have more to invest in bigger goals I strive to accomplish, like family vacations or student loan payments.  In a few years, I won’t remember all the little things I bought at Target, but I will always remember and appreciate the trips I took with my family and the feeling of victory when I paid off 4 credit cards.

I have mostly noticed that saying “no” to excess has boosted my productivity: declining invitations every weekend, refraining from buying things I don’t need, and saying goodbye to everything that clutters my life and distracts me from true vision.  How has minimalism helped you to accomplish your goals?